Sunday, October 28, 2012

Assignment for 10/29/12

Chapter 7 of Design to Thrive discusses how to build significance within an online community. Significance is an extremely important part of any online community. If a person feels as though there is significance within an online community, it is more likely that they will join that community, thus allowing it to thrive. One of the steps towards making an online community significant is exclusivity. If an online community is highly important and recognized, it is more likely that people will want to be a part of that community because they feel as though they are a part of the “in crowd”; according to Howard.
                Many online communities feel as though the way to become significant and exclusive is to have an open community; one where anybody can join. According to Howard, having a big community is not always the best thing to do to build significance. Making an online community private and allowing just a select group of people to join, allows people to feel significant and not just feel as though they are just another face in the crowd. I have to admit, when I read this, I felt as though it was better for online communities to allow anybody to join. However, I realized that doing this may bring down the value of the community. For example, Facebook was originally designed for just college student and only allowed college students to join, but when they decided to open the community up to younger and older people, it caused them to lose the “college-like” atmosphere, thus causing their value or significance to diminish.
                When building an online community it is more about quality rather than quantity. Starting with a private community, builds exclusivity and allows people to feel as though they are significant and that they belong. Making people feel as though they are the community rather than just a piece of the community is what makes an online community significant.